Ai Cluster is participating in very challengeable projects with other institutions or organizations like the SETI institute, Quest for SPACE Institute and IBM Watson.
Es una iniciativa que tiene como finalidad crear un acervo vocal y musical a nivel global para dejar un mensaje en el tiempo que a través de la música y la tecnología exprese lo que hoy somos y hemos sido a lo largo de nuestra existencia como seres humanos.
Dicha iniciativa fue creada por el reconocido compositor mexicano Felipe Pérez Santiago en colaboración con la Dra. Jill Tarter co-fundadora y anterior directora del SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) así como el Profesor Charles Lindsay, director del Programa de Residencias Artísticas del SETI Institute,
Este proyecto esta respaldado por el SETI institute y por el Artificial Intelligence Cluster quienes confían en la viabilidad y desarrollo del mismo.
Visita para mas detalles
Alan is an initiative of the Ai Cluster. Alan is an Artificial Intelligence application that was develop as an example to teach kids what artificial intelligence is all about.
The idea behind Alan was to create an Ai application to be displayed in a public area where we can explain Ai and bring interest about this topic into the Region.
Well, let's put Alan in a kid's museum !
La Rodadora Museum is the second most important kid's museum in Mexico and visited for more than 700 kids in a daily bases.
The Ai Cluster presented the idea to IBM Watson NY division and beside are big supporters, allow us to use Watson. That's how Alan was born in June of 2019.
Kid's can speak with Alan about movies, games or cartoons. The first impression for them is "Who is talking to me?", "Why Alan remember my name?", "Alan is funny, he can tell jokes", "I like Alan he likes the same cartoons than me"... but hold on, Alan is what?, Artificial Intelligence?, what is that?... ah, I got it, I want to study Artificial Intelligence when I grow up.
Alan was created in coordination with IBM Watson NY, developed by a local Artificial Intelligence Software Company D2 Smart Software and displayed on La Rodadora Kid's Museum.
To know more about La Rodadora Museum visit :
To know more about the Ai Company that developed Alan visit :
Invitation for Alan's Inauguration
Quest for Space is an NGSS-alligned, innovative STEM program that provides teachers and students the 21st Century Learning tools needed to create, upload and run their own experiments aboard the International Space Station (ISS).
Engaging and Integrated STEM
Get students engaged from day one through hands-on, real-world applications of STEM in space! Students actively apply science, technology, engineering and math throughout the program .
Full Support fro teachers and schools
Teachers are supported with complete curriculum, lesson plans, training videos, an experiment booklet, help desk, and more! Our affordable, end-to-end program provides all the resources, tools and equipment needed.
Make your school stand out
When parents discover your STEM program is operated on the International Space Station, they'll take notice!
We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give
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